1. Will you please tie a rope in a firm knot? 请你将绳子打一个牢固的结好吗?
2. The sunlight has faded my tie. 阳光晒得我的领带褪了颜色。
3. That candy store uses fancy tape to tie all packages. 那个糖果店用各种花样的线带扎包裹。
4. That candy store uses fancy tape to tie all packages. 那个糖果店用各种花样的线带扎包裹。
5. Tie a heavy weight at the end of a long piece of string. 把一个重物拴在一根长绳子的一端,
6. The farmers showed us how to cut the rice and how to tie the bundles. 农民教我们如何割稻子,如何打捆,我们很快就学会了,
7. The expedition carried a little flour and sugar, but mostly they relied on the fish that Pinero caught with his harpoon and the game that was shot with bow and arrow, using the campfire to grill meat or cassava cakes. 探险队在旅途中只带少量的面粉和糖,通常是德派因罗用渔叉叉鱼,用弓箭猎取野味,他们在篝火上烤肉吃,也做木薯饼。
8. Two widely separated strings hang from a ceiling. Even though you can't reach both at once, is it possible to tie their ends together, using only a pair of pliers? 两根相距甚远的绳子分别从天花板上垂下来。尽管你无法同时够到两根绳子,但有没有可能只用一把钳子就把两根绳子系到一起呢?
9. He held his son´s hand firmly to be sure that boy did not bow either. 他紧握儿子的手, 以确保孩子也不鞠躬.